Sunday, March 2, 2014

Are Diamonds, really a girl's best friend?

We've all been told this while growing up, 'Diamonds are a girls' best friend!" But is that really completely the truth? I'm not exactly sure. I mean, I've grown up with the diamond as my birthstone... I was always jealous of everyone else. When I got stuff with my birthstone, how boring! It was clear! Other kids however... Oh my gosh, that ruby.. red? How pretty! Or the Opal.. that one changes!

Through the years, I have discovered that candy is really the best friend of, well, anyone. Women love it, and apparently the way to a man is through his stomach. (don't let my Kelsey know, but it's the way to a woman's as well.. one brownie and she was mine forever.)

It was Kelsey, that decided to put candy to the real test though. It's good for Valentine's day, yes... but what else is candy good for? Let's take a look...

The proposal...

and the candy ring

Clearly, Candy works like magic... and I must say it was my must amusing proposal ever. I've had the big romantic ones, but never had I been asked to marry someone, with a candy ring, at random plot of land for sale, while hunting down a larger plot, this was the first. I must say, it was the best. Out of the blue, romantic in it's own spontaneous right... with her goofy blushing face. My day, My week, and My life was made!

Sometimes, things are not always about show, or money... they are about making the person smile.. but hey, my ring is showy... right?! :D

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